this sounds like something marcus from detroit: become human would play :D
love it!
this sounds like something marcus from detroit: become human would play :D
love it!
Very cool unknown foresty theme!
WOW! :3 is this actually being used (commercially)?
over 12 years and i still love it! and you <3
war of loudness lul
nice composition but ye...
awesome soundtrack for a creepy game dungeon :) saving it!
this is so wonderfully relieving, thanks for creating music! im a longtime fan of you
wew, this reminds me of Ninonline
this reminds me a lot of the dotHack games OST, rly loving it, missing a climax/tension buildup though a bit
already commented on your youtube, its so inspirational! thanks!
Glad you like it!
Meep! This is me :3
Age 34, Male
HTBLA Graphics & Communication
Joined on 8/6/07